Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Confused And Stressing!

Perhaps not a great combination - but that's where I am right now.
The course I'm taking now turns out be both demanding as well as very confusing!! I think I had misunderstood some things earlier, because today I suddenly found out that we have one presentation on Friday and another one on Monday! Yikes!!
Shock I'm not even 100% sure of what exactly it is we are supposed to do, which does feel rather bad at the moment!! I am meeting a girl from the course - we're doing one, and possible both, project/s together - tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to come to some kind of conclusion together! *sigh* I don't really mind working hard on a course, after all, I am studying full time, but I find it difficult when things are so confusing, when I don't know what I'm expected to do etc.
Adding to the general confusion is the larger essay we'll be doing at the end of the semester. This essay is a course over 5 weeks, you know the drill - a scientific work blah blah blah. Included in this course is that I will have to act as an opponent on somebody else's essay, and they will act as an opponent on mine ... so this is quite a big deal! Due to practical reasons, I have to start gathering data for my essay now, as I'm in kind of a rush ... and doing all that - and getting my tutor to agree to everything I do (!) on top of this confusing course ... let's just say that I'll be in for a tough time!!

Well, enough boring details now, I think!
I am feeling rather tired about all this, becuase as usual things are happening so fast, and I don't feel like I have the time I need to deal with what has happened or what will happen, and that is rather straining. Still, I have to do this, so I just have to do whatever I can and hope for the best, right?
At least I have some fun things to look forward to, such as seeing Cats in Gothenburg on December 2nd, and going to a Christmas concert the following day!

Jessica's Websites

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