Thursday, 29 March 2007

Help Needed!

Sorry about the lack of blogging again ...
Would appreciate some advice though, if you have any to spare!
How am I going to handle full-time studies (actually more than that, because in order for things to work out, I'm gonna have to study 150% for the rest of the semster) combined with a major depression which is getting worse by the minute?
I thought I could cope and I'm realizing I don't know how anymore! I'm getting sucked deeper and deeper in this depression, and I don't know how I'm going to cope with studying at the same time, I just don't ...
Any ideas?
(And no, cutting back on school/studies is NOT an option, and NO, you can't just 'snap out' of a depression)

Jessica's Websites


Anonymous said...

Ibland hjälper det att prata med ngn..

The Darkest Night said...

Well, I really think you should try to focus on your health..if you're not feeling well, surely it will effect your studies...and then you'll feel even worse.. of course that's easy to say, and harder to do...
wish I knew some miracle cure to get out of a depression...the only advice I can give is to try to to focus on the good things in matter how small they might seem..hold on to them...try to make them bigger than they are...and maybe you'll feel a bit better...
if there's anything I can do, or you just need to talk you know where to find me :)

I hope this didn't sound rude...sure wasn't my intention..i'm not doing too great myself, so I probably shouldn't be giving advice...but I did want to reply..