Saturday 4 April 2009

600th Post! Wow!

I had another title in mind for this post, relating to the previous one, but when I found out this will be my 600th post on this blog, I simply had to acknowledge that! I'm very happy this blog is doing so well, even though I sometimes take a break from it, both regarding my posting but mostly of course the visitors! :)

Anyway - what I was going to write was the fact that I obviously did survive the Week From Hell - even though I'm not sure how exactly ...
This week has been a real roller coaster, though unfortunately not that many "ups". I don't have the time or the energy to go into detail here, I will try to make a proper update in my personal blog, and I'll get back to those of you not reading Swedish in more personal notes before I leave on my mini-vacation (or whatever it will be).

The general outcome of this week, in short is that I've gotten a start with the mentor activity on the "new" (semi-new??) course and I have started developing a good connection with the teacher, which I think is really good.
I failed the oral exam ... *cry* which was quite a set back! I can't say that I'm really surprised by that, because I have felt so awful, and I didn't feel prepared enough, but I find it difficult coping with failed exams, and that feeling gets about 100% worse when it's an oral exam and not a written one. I'll have to do it when I get back home though, but that basically means that for the rest of the semester, well, I'll be taking on courses that equal one whole semester's full-time studies in about 8 weeks ... great! *NOT!*
I survived the essay seminar too, though I don't know how I feel about that ... Some things felt okay, some things felt pretty good and some things felt pretty terrible ...

So, that's the short summary version! :)
Today and tomorrow will be spent preparing for the trip and my time away - I will come back tomorrow with a last entry before I leave!

Take care and enjoy your Saturday!

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