Tuesday 12 June 2007

Last Post For A While!

Yes, I'm heading of for "summer-vacation" tomorrow morning, very early, so this will be a good-bye post for now!
I have been rushing around like crazy all day, and the temperatures have been close to - or over - 30 degrees celcius all day, so by now I'm more dead than alive.
Naturally there are always more things to do than you expect, since I want to get up at about four tomorrow morning, I really should be sleeping now (especially with a 5-6 hour drive ahead of me) ... but I have stuff to do that can't wait until tomorrow!

I won't ramble on here, but instead get on with what I am supposed to be doing, and then get to sleep.

One bit of good news though, to finish off with before I leave: I PASSED MY EXAM!!!! I collected it today and was thrilled to see that I had actually passed ... I wasn't sure of that at all!!
This feels like a great way to end this post, so all I want to do now is to wish you all a


Take care!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Torment of Others /Andras Plåga - Val McDermid
Currently watching: The Fellowship of the Ring Cast Commentary
Currently listening to: ---
My Plans for tomorrow: Trip to the summerhouse!

Monday 11 June 2007

Crazy About Lord of the Rings!

I have a feeling my friend Sara will appreciate this post - she's a huge Lord of the Rings fans, and fact of the matter is that I've spent I don't know how many hours watching the triology lately! :) I have also managed to read the book, so I'm hoping to get some time during the summer to read some more of Tolkien (I've only read Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit)!

Have to say I think the movies are really wonderfully done!! To actually pull through transforming such an epic to the movie screen is truly amazing!! I don't know why I've ended up in such a frenzy right now, but I just can't seem to stop watching ... the movies, all the extra materials, dvd commentaries ... can't bring myself to stop! *lol*

I have also made caps from The Fellowship of the Ring so far - so I'll add some graphics at the end of the post. Hope to be able to make caps from The Two Towers and The Return of the King as well - although it takes quite a lot of time.

I know there's been a lot of debate - especially when these movies came - about what should have been included, what shouldn't have been in the movies etc. And that's always tough. You can't include everything from the books in the movies, but I have to say I mainly miss two things. First of all - the most common one ;) - the Old Forrest and Tom Bombadill. It was such a wonderful part of the book, you can't help feeling that it would have been amazing on screen. I know they've sort of tried to insert bits and pieces of it later on in the movies ... some of the things Treebeard says to Merry and Pippin seem to be quite related to how Tom Bombadill would react for example. And also the tree that "catches" Merry and Pippin and almost "swallows" them in Fangorn Forrest in The Two Towers is exactly from the Old Forrest in the book. But I still would have liked to see the whole episode of The Old Forrest on screen.
The other thing I would have loved to see is the return of the hobbits to The Shire. There is a whole storyline built around that in the book (yeah, right: spoiler warning!!), where Saruman - in disguise - has influenced and manipulated The Shire. To me, this is a great way of showing how much Merry and Pippin - and Sam - has grown throughout their adventures. They were just "funny little hobbits" when they left, but they come back with so much authority and security and wisdom, it is fantastic to see what the journey has done to them. This is completely overlooked in the movies ... well, you get the feel for it when Merry becomes Esquare of Rohan, and Pippin is Guard of the Citadel in Minas Tirith, but it becomes so much clearer when they are at their home, in the Shire ...

I'm certain Peter Jackson has his reasons for not including these sequences - I guess some people think the movies are long enough as they are now! *lol* - but I still would have liked to see them! :)

Here are the graphics I've made so far:

And some variations on the same graphic:

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: Andras Plåga/The Torment of Others by Val McDermid
Currently watching: The Two Towers Cast Commentary
Currently listening to: --
My Plans for tomorrow: Preparing for my trip north: cleaning, laundry, shopping, packing ...

Sunday 10 June 2007

More Tests ...

What Simpons Charcter Are U?

your just normal....mabey too normal
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

How Big a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Are You?

You are a Slayer!
You are a Slayer!
You are true Buffy Fan! You have seen every episode and you can quote all the best lines. You could be the next slayer! So get your holy water, leather jacket, and Mr. Pointy because you already equipped with all the knowledge you'll need!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

How well do you know Full House?

You are a true fan!
You are a true fan!
You must have seen every single episode of Full House! You know all the details!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

What Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer character are you?

Rupert Giles
Rupert Giles
You are as smart as they come. You can solve any problem that may come your way.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

What disney animal are you?

Dalmation Puppy
Dalmation Puppy
You're very cute in person, and have loads of empathy for people, when a friend is in trouble, you help them, when a puppy is in need...you care for them.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

How much do you know about Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Buffy Fanatic!
Buffy Fanatic!
You obviously know your stuff! You got almost all or all of the questions correct! Great Job! Are you sure your not secretly a slayer?
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

What Lord of the Rings charater are you?

You are a leader you inspire other to do thier best.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

This Is Me!


Who Would Have Thought???

IQ Test Score

Wow, I just stumbled across this on another blog - I don't think I've ever taken an IQ test before ... now I regret not doing it sooner! *lol*

Saturday 9 June 2007

An Intense Ending!!

Okay, better late than never - the ending of the semester was very intense, and it's taken me a while to really come to terms with it, and also the fact that the semester is over now, and what that means.
But now I'm ready to share the last day of this semester with you! :)

The exam started at 9 a.m. and although I was nervous, I had pretty much adopted the idea that I would go in there and do my very best, but if it wasn't enough, I'd have to accept a failing grade as well. I was so tired of this whole mess, that the most important thing was to just get it over and done with!
I think that some parts of the exam was rather difficult, some translations didn't make much sense and ... ah well, no point in thinking too much about it now. I have found it difficult to try to 'assess' the exams this semester, I don't get that feeling of "yeah, this felt okay, I have probably passed" or "oh no, this was impossible, I have failed for sure!" that I normally do. To summarize - it could go either way. I could have passed, I could have failed, I can't honestly say now. Good news is, the exams will be ready on Tuesday, so I will have time to pick them up before going up north to visit my families!!

I had made arrangements with my friend Johanna (who's been taking the same courses) to go shopping for our picnic after the exam, so we decided to wait for eachother. I wasn't quite sure on the exact planning but our rough-plan was to go shopping after the exam, than Johanna and her boyfriend Per would go on a "class-picnic" together with the others who took these courses this semester. Since I have had trouble and problems this entire semester, I decided not to join them, but instead I would wait for our friend Sara and her boyfriend Martin (Sara had an oral exam). The three of us (me, Sara & Martin) would start our picnic after Sara's exam, than Johanna and Per would join us later on (after the 'class picnic') ... actually, it sounds even more confusing now than what it felt, sorry about that! :)

Anyway, I left the exam at about 11 and waited outside for Johanna who turned up a while later. The whole area was filled with students and since I still have some problems with social situations, I felt I was kind of tense and had somewhat of a hard time relaxing, although the exam was over. We decided to wait for Per before we went shopping, but when he turned up there seemed to be people to talk to everywhere. After a while we were able to go downtown, but we didn't have that much time, since Johanna and Per would gather with the others at 1. We got most of the shopping done (the only thing left was for me to pick up a few packages of fresh strawberries to feast on!), and than I went up to "our" department to wait for Sara. She turned up pretty quicky, she'd passed her oral exam! *yay* (congratulations again, Sara!!)
We picked up Martin, who waited outside and went to the Botanical Gardens to start our Celebration picnic!! It was very hot (I don't like that very much) but we were all in high spirits, and when we had settled down and had the first toast (let's just say we had enough wine to go around, that's for sure ... and Martin had brought beer as well ...), I found out that Martin had just gotten the high grade on his Bachelor Thesis - *congrats, Martin!* - so we had to celebrate him as well! :)

Despite the heat, and the fact that I was somewhat tense still, I had a really good time. The social situation for me has been more or less non-existent for so long, I really feel I'm starting to change that now, starting to find people I like, people I am comfortable with, people I can be relaxed around - it's absolutely wonderful!!!

It didn't take us that long to feel the effects of the wine/beer either - I had been tense all day and I think Sara was rather nervous about her exam, and the heat did it's effect as well. Pretty soon we were all (except maybe for Martin ... ) in the giggle stage, and by than Johanna and Per arrived - adding to the fun!!

After a few hours Sara realized she'd forgotten to return some books to the department library - and one to her tutor - and she wanted to get rid of them before the department closed. Johanna and I volunteered to go with her and ... well ... let's just say it was a new (and maybe not so great) experience to be drunk around your University Department ... *oops* Although I don't think I have ever before laughed so much while being at Uni ... *lol* Some minor incidents though; we were going to return the tutor's book, he sits on the third floor, and while both Sara and me dislikes elevators, we decided to go this time. First off, we ended up on the second floor, and just as we'd gotten back into the elevator, Johanna accidently pushed the Alarm-button!!! Sara decided to walk the rest of the way! :)
Oh, and later on, Sara and I lost Johanna after we went to the bathroom ... We did find her later on though ...

We went back to the "boys", and aparently Johanna and Per were going to have a barbeque later on in the evening. I felt that I had had quite a day, so I really didn't feel up to joining them. While I had had a great time, the whole business of 'socializing' like this is still very new to me, and I think it takes some time to get used to it. I'm still very proud that I did what I did during this day becuase I think that I wouldn't have only six months to a year ago actually. That must mean I'm making progress, right?! :)

I went home at about 6 p.m. with somewhat mixed emotions. I was thrilled to realize that this semester HAD ENDED at last, I was happy about how the afternoon had turned out, I was exhausted beyond the telling of it, I experienced being .... shall we say 'affected by alcohol' (*lol*) "in public", I have not been that before, at least not to this extent!!
Included in my mixed emotions were also the fact that an old "problem" had come forth again, for the first time in a very long time! This is one of the few things I am not comfortable discussing here, so I hope you'll forgive me for being a bit vague here. I had done my very best to completely repress this whole thing, and naturally it had to be actualized on this particular day!

To try to summarize ... I'm sooooo happy and soooo relieved that this semester is over, and I am very happy about how the last day turned out! I can't say that everything was perfect, because it wasn't, and I wasn't feeling 100% all the time, but overall, it turned out to be quite a good day!

Actually, it feels strange to head north now. I'm really looking forward to seeing my families, and my little sisters, again, I love the summerhouse, but it somehow would have felt almost natural to stay here and keep "hanging out" (which is something I don't think I have ever really done ...). But I will try to plan at least 1 week, maybe 10 days, to come down here during the summer, and "hang out" with my friends! :)

Wow - a loong entry on the last day of the semester. I guess it deserved a long entry, being so intense!

Not much else to "report" here - I went shopping a little yesterday, and now I'm mostly trying to sort things out; cleaning, laundry, packing, preparing for the trip, planning the summer etc.

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: The Return of the King
Currently listening to: A Journey In the Dark (Lord of the Rings Soundtrack)
My Plans for tomorrow: Cleaning, packing, laundry ... slacking, TV, computer! :)

Thursday 7 June 2007

200th Post!!

Yes, what a better way to celebrate my 200th post than today! Have to say though, that this celebration really should have come a lot sooner, but since this semester has been so rough on me, I haven't felt much like blogging at all!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

I know it is true for every day of your life, but I can't help feeling it is extra true for me today. I really feel like I will be able to start something new from today, well and truly leaving this semester behind me. And not only the semester as such, more in terms of "the way of the semester" - if that made any kind of sense. I mean that I'm really fond of the subject, and our teacher really was quite good although I think he's a bit hard to figure out, and I want to continue studies in this subject, what I want to leave forever is the way things turned out. I made one bad decision, which gave me some really huge consequenses, and when I wasn't ready or prepared for the consequenses, it made me make even more bad decisions - and I never got out of it!!
That's what I want to change. I want to change my attitude to things, I want to try to limit the times I will make this bad decisions, I will try to mentally prepare for the fact that when making a bad decision you will get consequenses, and wether they seem reasonable or not, you have to face them!

Oh my, feeling quite philosophical at 6.20 in the morning - what will this day turn out to be?! *lol*

Anyway, I just wanted to write this celebration-post which is a celebration on two fronts: my 200th post and the end of this semester!

**YAY!** **YAY!** **YAY!** **YAY!**
My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: The Fellowship of the Rings (Director's Commentary)
Currently listening to: ---
My Plans for tomorrow: ---

Wednesday 6 June 2007

My Life At The Moment!

Yes, you see above what my life is about! For those of you who aren't fluent in Bible Hebrew, those two pages come from the beginning of Exodus ... oh, and when you "read" it, don't forget to read from the right to the left! *lol*

Naturally I don't feel prepared enough, when do you ever feel prepared enough? But at least I feel I have done what I can, and I can't do more than that right now, can I? If it isn't enough for a passing grade, I will just have to accept that and try to fix it come August.

Actually I can hardly belive this hellish semester will actually be over tomorrow!! I have waited SO long for this to come, it almost feels unreal now that we're here. Like I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and find it's March 7th instead of June 7th or something like that ...

I do feel 200% motivated to really try to change a lot of things in my life after tomorrow, because no matter what, I do not want to experience a semester like this one again. I know it will be hard, because I will have to change quite a lot of things, and also ways of thinking and ways of approaching things, but everything in the world is better than going through what I have gone through the past few months, that's for sure!!

Since it's not even 8 o'clock yet, I will try to get some more studying done before I drop dead ... I have done most of what I wanted to write down, but it wouldn't hurt to try to go through parts of the stupid Norweigan book again, I think.

I will try to get back here tomorrow morning with a brief post, since I'm celebrating with my friends tomorrow afternoon, I don't know when I'll get home or if I'm in any shape to blog when I do! :)

Take care, guys!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: Thunderball
Currently listening to: Les Misérables Israeli Radio Recording
My Plans for tomorrow: Exam - yuck - and funny picnic-celebration! :)

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Blog Information!

This is an information post regarding my blog. I will repeat this post every now and again, giving everybody an oportunity to read it.

As you may have noticed, I am careful not to mention names in my blog, as I feel strongly about people's privacy and integrity. I sometimes feel, however, that the blog feels sort of impersonal when I always use initials, or refer to people in other ways.
I certainly don't want to make anybody uncomfortable, but in this post I'd like to say that if there is anyone out there among my friends and/or family that feel it's okay for me to use your names, you can take this oportunity to let me know! (Either by leaving a comment here - you can also send me and email or give me a call or whatever)

I would like to point out that I'm definately not forcing anyone into anything - privacy and security is very important to me, I just wanted to see if there are some of you who wouldn't mind seeing their names here on occasion! :) Naturally, I won't say anything incriminating (of course!!), it would only mean that I use your names instead of initials, or just refer to you as "friend" or something like that.

Like I said, I will repeat this post every now and again, and give people the chance to read it, think about it and get back to me.
I will of course continue in the fashion I have now for anyone who don't get in touch with me.

If you enjoy reading this blog, please feel free to vote or rank my blog by clicking on the buttons below. (You can vote once a day)

Top Blogs


Thanks for taking the time to read this!!

Alternate Realities!

Actually, I want to continue my somewhat crazy and incoherent discussion about alternate realities from yesterday.
And yes, I am deeply disturbed by TV, and react to the term "alternate realities" by thinking of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... where there are some discussions about this! (I do like to think Anya and Willow sent Olaf the Troll to the alternate reality without shrimp! *lol* - sorry guys, only funny to other Buffy maniacs! )

Already straying from the concept here ... I am really tired and very confused and I still have a cold and on top of that my hormones are running wild and I have severe stomach cramps, so please be patient with me, okay?! :)

I do feel like I exist in an alternate reality now though, a sort of parallell universe, that exists next to the 'real' universe. In my reality all I can see is Hebrew letters, and stupid Norweigan books, and exam-anxiety and stress and sadness and a filthy apartment and resentment toward everything. It really feels like I'm stuck in all of this now, and I have no chance whatsoever to get out of it until the exam is over. I know it's not that long left (which means that I'm stressing even more ...) and I guess I'll get through this as well, but it's a very creepy feeling to sense that you are somehow outside the real world ... (sorry if I sound like a crazy serial killer or something ... )
Yesterday I had to run some errands downtown, which really meant going out into the "real world" even if it was only for an hour or so, but I still couldn't connect to that world, it was like I was only 'visiting' there, I wasn't really supposed to be there.

I have a feeling this sounds a lot more depressing than it actually is, because even though I'm going through a really rough time now, I can see the end of it, and I have faith that things will change come Thursday morning - I'm not saying my life will be all great from than on, but at least it will change, I won't be stuck in this horribly destructive way of living that I am right now ... but the feeling of being disconnected to the real world and actually living in an alternate reality is very apparent to me right now.

I really wanted to include some graphic or scrap or photo or something so this blog wouldn't be completely boring, but I haven't had the fainest bit of energy to do anything other than trying to study as much as possible today ... so that'll have to wait I'm afraid.

Only one more whole day left ... That is just SO wonderful!! I hope I won't be completely dead tomorrow, because I really need to get through some stuff as a last hope for the exam tomorrow, so I hope I can feel a little bit better than I have done tonight.

Take care, guys!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: Bones ... no clue which episode or even which season, but it was on when I turned on the TV! :)
Currently listening to: --
My Plans for tomorrow: What do YOU think??

Monday 4 June 2007

Lost In Exodus!

I have no earthly idea how I will cope writing an entry that will make any kind of sense right now, because I really feel way beyond sense completely ...

As you know from my previous entry, I went out this morning, and even though it was something I just had to do, naturally it made my cold even worse ... *sigh* So trying to get massive studying done while at the same time struggling with fever, headaches, sore throats and other horrors are not something I feel up to right now.

I really feel like I live in a vaccuum right now. I'm stuck inside with this terrible cold and my terrible studies, and although I know that it's only two days left, it still feels like I'll never get out of this.

I'm feeling rather low now, I don't have the energy to do anything at all, but I can't sleep at all either, so mostly I feel very down. I am happy about getting my X-Files dvds, absolutely, but I still feel like I'm living in this vaccuum, where nothing is really real except the Hebrew Bible, lots of tissues and lots of painkillers ... so I can't really feel happy about my dvds either ... it just feels like "sure, I've ordered them and everything, but the fact of actually recieving them, beeing able to watch them, that is something that belongs in another reality, not in the reality I'm living in now".

Oh God, maybe the fever really has made me insane now??!! At least I feel like a raving lunatic right now ... guess I'd better stop before this gets completely out of hand!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: Millennium Season 1
Currently listening to: --
My Plans for tomorrow: Studies - so what else is new?!

Am I Insane?

Some people would definately argue that, yes, I am insane ... since I have just spent almost 100 Euros online (about 930:- or £67 or $134) ....
On the other side - the one arguing that I'm not insane - I did get a lot for the money, that's for sure! The online shop Play.com had a pretty decent sale, with among other stuff, DVD Box Sets - my speciality! :) I actually got the first five seasons (that is five box sets!!) of The X-Files for my money, and considering I'd have to pay almost 500:-/box buying it at a Swedish online shop - I'd say I made a great deal, even though it was a lot of money!

Since everything in my life is a great big mess at the moment, it didn't go easy though. I put all the items in my basket, created an account and proceeded to Checkout - only to see a message saying that "This item cannot be delivered outside the U.K" ... huh?? I surfed around - feeling pretty upset since it was nowhere indicated that you could only buy stuff if you lived in the U.K. - and eventually found an email adress, so I sent them an email right away.
I got a reply something like 10 minutes later, they were supernice and aparently I had my settings on paying in Pounds, and if you were outside the U.K. you had to change the settings to Euro ... so it wasn't such a big deal after all! *lol*

Now I am eagerly awaiting my many dvd boxes - although I think it's lucky they won't arrive before my exam! :)

I've had a pretty much morning, my cold has felt a lot worse, and I had to go out and run some errands, so I think I'd better put some coffee on and get in "full-study-mode" right now!
Wish me Luck! :)

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Return of the King (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: Millennium Season 1
Currently listening to: --
My Plans for tomorrow: --

Sunday 3 June 2007

Definately Counting Down!

Yes, I am definately on active countdown now, that's for sure!
~~ 3 days, 15 hours 34 minutes!! ~~
I really can't wait for this whole thing to be over right now, I am soooo motivated to really start to change a lot of things in my life, and I just feel like I have to get started on it. I'm a bit divided though, because I'm not feeling I'm getting enough studying done, so obviously part of me feels I need more time to prepare for the exam as well. But for the most part, I just want it to be over. I'm really trying to study as much as possible (despite my cold), and I won't give up, but one thing is certain: I'm gonna be THRILLED when the exam is over, wether I've passed or not!

I am very much looking forward to our little picnic after the exam during the afternoon! It's gonna be really great, and I am definately going to celebrate that this whole thing finally is over ...

I have to aplogize about my blog entries being kind of boring lately, but I think that is because I'm doing nothing except sitting at home either with my nose in a completely weird and difficult Norweigan book (and yes, Sweden and Norway are next to eachother, but just because of that, it's not easy to read Norweigan!!!) or I'm buried in the Hebrew Bible, doing my best to translate, figure out weird word-forms and/or working my way through interpretation-issues ... so that's why I don't have that much fun and exciting to write about.
I guess I'll at least have a few days down here after the exam, when I'm hopefully going to be able to do more fun stuff, before heading up to the summerhouse!

Take care guys (I hope you had a more fun weekend than I did!!!)!

Life's not a song
Life isn't bliss
Life is just this
It's living
You have to go on living
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 'Once More With Feeling')

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: Olycksfågeln by Camilla Läckberg
Currently watching: Millennium Season 1
Currently listening to: ---
My Plans for tomorrow: STUDIES, also running errands (which is SO much fun compared to studies ...)