Monday 11 April 2011

Headache and Exodus

While the title may appear strange, my day has basically focused on these two things! :)

I woke up with a headache, which made me change my original plans for the day. I went to Uni for a lecture on Exodus 3, as it is a very exciting text - but I didn't have the energy to stay and study after the lecture, so I went straight home.
I tried to cure the headache and eventually managed, although it took most of the afternoon. I have gotten some cleaning done tonight, and I went on a really long and absolutely lovely walk! I haven't been since mid-autumn I think, and I had forgotten how wonderful it can be! Lovely spring weather, about 15 degrees (C) and the sun setting creating gorgeous colours! I was out for about 1h15min which was a lot longer than I had intended - but I think it did me good.

The headache is almost gone now, but I am feeling rather tired and numb. I'm hoping to get a bit more sleep tonight and hopefully I'll feel all better tomorrow.

I did take some photos on my walk but I haven't transferred them from the camera to Sammy the Computer yet. I have (earlier) managed to finally move and organize all my files and images on Sammy, so I'm going to share some old graphics with you instead - these are from The Lord of the Rings movies!

And here are a few graphical variations of the same Gandalf-graphic ... hope you like them!

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