Sunday 15 August 2010

Rottneros Park

Despite the fact that we were very busy toward the end of the summer, one day me and my Dad and his family took a trip to Rottneros Park, a bit north from where they live. I have been there a few times before, but it was a very long time ago, and it was a lovely outing.
The park was built to reminisce of Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf's Ekeby and it is truly beautiful. We spent a few pleasant hours there, and luckily they had quite a lot for the children to do as well, one adventure park (which was, however, aimed at older children), and several other parks with lots to do.

I think we all had a great time there, and here are some photos from the trip:

General photos:

The kids were having a blast:

There were some really cool trolls in one of the gardens! :)

And finally, I discovered they had something called Bible Garden! :) Nobody was really keen on it, so while the girls were playing I went there on my own. It was quite small, but very beautiful, and had apparently come about on the initiative of former Bishop Bengt Wadensjö!


The Darkest Night said...

Amazing photos!!

Jessica said...

Aw, thanks sis! :)