Friday 27 April 2007

Headaches, Studies And A New Project ...

Well, the title pretty much sums up everything I had planned for this blog entry ... but perhaps I should elaborate a little ...:)

I have spent most of the past two days with a terrible headache ... I just hate them!! It started yesterday afternoon, I hardly slept at all last night and it took until about 2 p.m. today before I could function properly!! *sigh* Wasn't the best timing either, since I really need to study full time and more for the exam on Wednesday ... Guess I can't do much about it when it happens though ...

Studies, well, yes, that is the main focus at the moment! I have fallen behind on this course as well, and while things don't feel quite as hopeless as they did before the last exam, I'm still not happy at all! As usual, it's not really difficult to learn, it's just sooooo much to learn, that you're always stressing, which of course mean that you don't learn as much as you should! I really am interested in the subject, I want to continue with it, but since it turned out totally wrong from the beginning, it feels hopeless at the moment ...

Finally then, yes, I have a new internet project ... I think!! I'm not sure if - or when - I will be able to go through with this, seing as how things are busy to say the least at the moment! Therefore I won't even tell you what this new project is, becuase if I do, I tend to feel a pressure to get it done as quickly as possible, and studies definately has to come first now! Still, I do need breaks, and I need to find something that will motivate me, and get me interested .... so keep your fingers crossed I will be able to get this project working ... sooner or later! :)

Take care - I hope you'll have a lovely weekend!

Jessica's Websites

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