Thursday 22 March 2007

Not So Great ...

Have a less than great day today, for some reason or other this has been one of those days when absolutely nothing works out!
Main focus now is studies of course (duh!!), but I'm having a hard time figuring out! I know I've missed a lot and all that, but I find it difficult to know how to study ... how much shall I know by heart (because it is really impossible to learn it all), what shall I focus on, how much do I really get ... I mean, I can easily read a grammar rule and understand it, but do I really know what it's about when I see it applied in a sentence, can I recognize it etc ....

Several other things are less than great as well, although that's nothing I really feel like writing about here ... I tried to cheer myself up tonight by trying to sort out a new layout for my Les Misérables Forum, and just went from bad to worse, I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with it.
And it seems there's hardly any activity whatsoever in any of my other forums ...

Sorry, I realize I'm totally depressed now ... I'd better just sign off and get to bed ...
Take care!

Jessica's Websites


Jexxie said...

Detta kommer att låta hur deprimerande som helst, men jag gillade verkliun james bond forumet, men när alla mina 300 poster försvann tappade jag modet. det är precis som om jag skulle skrivit ett inlägg elelr mail coh allt raderades. blir liksom inte samma sak när man måste skriva om. sk dock försöka komma igång när jag har flyttat, typ om en månad. då kommer jag ha många ensamma kvällar som jag kan ägna åt dina roliga forum!

Jessica said...

Jag kan förstå att det känns så ... samtidigt hoppas jag att du förstår mig oxå ... jag hade ingen kontroll över att saker och ting försvann och jag har sedan lagt ner såväl timmar som dagar på att få igång ett fungerande forum igen ... och då har alla medlemmar tröttnat ... inte så kul det heller ... ah well, c'est la vie, I suppose ...

The Darkest Night said...

Sorry you've had a bad day. Hope things are better now. And good luck with your exam! What day is it?

As for the James Bond forum - don't give up on it. All it takes are for people to start posting again. You've put in a lot of effort in it, and it sure isn't too much to ask the members to post there (even if it's something we had already posted in the old forum). Of course it's impossible to restore every single post, but we should at least try. That's the least people can do. And also there can still be new members coming, who will hopefully also join in. So hang in there!!! *hugs*

Jessica said...

The exam is on Thursday ... right now I wish it was the 29th of March NEXT year, maybe I'd be kind of prepared by then ... guess I'll just have to accept the facts though ...

Thanks for the encouraging words about the JB forum!! I mean I can understand it feels rotten for members to see their posts vanish into thin air, but it happened - there's nothing they or I can do to bring them back ... and if they ARE interested in the forum, maybe they could try to re-write certain posts ... and since new members are joining (although they are few) there won't be the EXACT same discussions going on anyway ... ah well ... guess I'll just have to hope for the best!