Wednesday 18 April 2007

My New Blog ... And More ...

Well, as my new blog is in Swedish, I will wait and talk about it later, and instead give you some sort of vague update of what's going on in my life right now ...

Well, I did pass the exam I took last Friday, and it's really a relief to be able to put that course behind me, and I'm greatful for that. It's a bit complicated, but if I hadn't passed it, I would have been in real trouble, because then I wouldn't have been able to take the exam on this course! (Yeah, it's complicated, and I'm not really in the mood for long explanations, sorry!)
However, things aren't totally happy just because of that ...
Apparently, my life isn't supposed to be easy (duh!!), because there are some real problems arising at this new course as well ... making me sort of nervous! I really feel I'm heading the exact same way on this course that I did on the previous one ... I REALLY DON'T want it, but somehow it seems that's where I'm going anyway!

I have recently fought my way out a depression, and it seems I'm heading into another one right now .... so I do apologize for the depressing entry ...
It just feels hopeless when you give everything you have in order for things to work out, and the problems are just growing and growing! I try to deal with them, I really do, but as soon as I think I'm handling one thing, five new difficult situations seem to arrive in my life!

I know I have to face problems, and working a lot at my specific issues (most of them having to do with my social phobia and my low self-esteam of course), and I think I would be able to - if it was one or two or three issues ... but when they're counting five, ten, twenty issues, I don't know if I have the energy to cope ...

Att leva med social fobi
Min nya blogg på svenska! Tänkte det var dags att göra lite "reklam" för den här.
Bloggen kommer att vara en mix av min vardag, allmänna fakta om social fobi, min syn på social fobi, ångest, depression ... och mycket mycket mer!!
Det centrala temat i bloggen är just social fobi, och dess följder. Ibland kommer jag att ta upp händelser ur mitt liv, som känns relevanta för just det här problemet, ibland kommer det att komma rena fakta kring social fobi, mina egna tankar kring vad som karaktäriserar social fobi, dess behandling osv, och jag kommer också att försöka slänga in rena fakta, länkar till bra sidor, tips om litteratur osv.
Den här bloggen är dels till för mig själv, för att verkligeen fokusera och koncentrera mig på den del av mitt liv som utgörs av social fobi och vad det innebär, hur jag kan jobba med det osv. Bloggen är också tillför andra med liknande problem, där vitsen är att man ska delvis kunna känna igen sig och delvis kunna protestera för att man själv fungerar på ett annat sätt. Jag vill gärna ha kontakt med andra på samma sätt, och tar därför gärna kontakt med andra med liknande svårigheter som jag själv. Ni kan antingen lämna kommenterar i bloggen, eller maila mig här:
Nu har jag svamlat nog om det här - här kommer i alla fall adressen till den nya bloggen:

Okay, that was the bit about my new Swedish blog.
Now promoting some of my forums ... don't know if it'll do much good, but I can at least keep trying, right?! :)

Enjoy - and take care!

Jessica's Websites


The Darkest Night said...

Congrats! Really happy to hear you passed the exam! Way to go!! *hugs*

Sorry some other things aren't going as great though..hope things will turn around soon!

Great job on the new blog . I found it really interesting! (I can recognize myself in a lot of the things you write...)

Jessica said...

Thanks! I'm not happy with the result, but at least I passed and that's the main thing ...
Though pretty much everything is going downhill - guess things HAS to turn around for the better soon ...

Glad you enjoyed the blog, I hope it can be useful for me as well as for others ...:)