Wednesday 7 February 2007

Hanging in the Balance!

It feels like my entire life is hanging in the balance at the moment! Either it can start going right, and things will start to work out, or it can go wrong, and everything will collapse. It's quite a strain living like this, and I do work hard at getting things to turn out right ... bt from past experience I know that just because I work hard, it might not get better anyway ...

Ah well ... Guess all on can do is try hard, right!!

Any minute I have to spare from my studies, I spend on my James Bond projects! Not that it's doing much good though! *sigh* Four members of the Forum ... although they are active - which is GREAT - it takes more than four members to make it a Forum that works out ... I've done pretty much all I can think of to gain more members, and the only thing left is to BEG two other major James Bond Forums if I link them, they will link me ... don't put much hope into that though ...
Still, what can I do? I can't very well FORCE people to join and be active, can I??
( )

Sorry, this turned out rather depressing ... guess it's because my entir life feels very "unstable" and "insecure" at the moment, and I really don't like that one little bit ...

Jessica's Websites


Jexxie said...

Bara så du vet så har du skrivit fel i länken....mest så att folk kommer fram ordentligt och blir medlemmar!

The Darkest Night said...

Hey sis!
I really hope things will start moving in the right direction for you! Good luck with everything! *hugs*

Jessica said...

Tack - har fixat länken nu!

the darkest night:
Thanks sis ... I REALLY hope so too ...