Monday 5 February 2007

Not Enough Time!

Well, I seem to have made somewhat of a new start today ... I think ... *sigh*
Most things in my life are very confusing right now, and I have a hard time sorting everything out. I know what I should do, but not what I can do, and even I do do some things that I should do, things end up terrible anyway ...

Yeah - I TOLD you it was confusing ...

I won't go on and on about it, but it is rather tough right now.

On top of all my personal problems, I have to try to keep up with the studies which is NOT easy, especially not since I feel I have fallen somewhat behind. We rush through things like crazy on this course, and I'm not sure how I will manage it!
We go through two or three MAJOR grammatical issues EVERY day ... then go home and have like 15-10 lines of Hebrew text to learn to read, translate and "analyze" the grammar - we have a questioning the following day!!! Where do you find the time to DO everything???

Ah well, I'll try to stop complaining ... but needless to say, I don't feel great right now!

Jessica's Websites


Jexxie said...

Hej! På din statcounter...använder du dig av page loads eller unika besökare (som visas alltså?)

Jessica said...

unika besökare utan tvekan ... jag tycker personligen att det blir ganska så missvisande om man gör page loads ... kanske inte i lika hög utsträckning i en blog, men eftersom jag oftast använder counters på hemsidor kör jag unika besökare per automatik ... annars räknar ju räknaren varje gång nån laddar sidan, så om nån t ex skriver en kommentar i din blog och ändrar den några gånger, eller klickar fram och tillbaka, kan ju den enda besökaren räknas tre, fyra gånger ...
Oj lång utläggning :) hoppas du förstår hur jag menar iaf! :)

Jexxie said...

förstår precis! hade det först men ändrade sedan...när jag har fått några fler besökare ändrar jag...måste vara lite ego ju...hehe

Jessica said...

*ler* Upp till var och en hur man vill göra förstås! ;D