Thursday 19 March 2009

Getting Better!

Things generally started to turn around yesterday - which I am very grateful for - although I haven't had quite so good a day today.

Yesterday was the best day in a long time though, and I feel good just thinking back to it. I can't really put my finger on one single thing that was perfect, but everything just worked out in a really really good way! :)
I met Lena on the way to Uni, and we haven't seen that much of each other lately, so it was great spending some time with her. At 10 I attended the OT lecture, and that was really a lot of fun!! It was the last "real" lecture on this part of the course (they have one lecture on Tuesday but it will be only for questions, and then they take the exam Monday after that), so it was quite calm, and mostly an oversight on "fun things that we didn't have time for" ... and it was really so much fun! :) Among other things we went through a few lines of Hebrew text, very common and used in the Swedish Church a lot, and I tried to challenge myself in finding out how to analyse the different words - and was quite proud of myself when I did find out some quite tricky ones. :)

After the lecture I was supposed to talk to the teacher for a little while, I had some questions from the mentor meetings to run by him, and we have the last one (for this part of the course) on Tuesday. We ended up having a really wonderful conversation which lasted for 2 hours!! *yikes* We really think so alike, and since our interests are a little bit ... odd ... (?), it's great to find someone who thinks just like you! :) He's WAAAY more talented than me, and so much more into languages, but we do get excited regarding the same things, and that makes for interesting conversations!
I got all the answers I needed - and then of course, a nice conversation ranging from the new education system and its practical applications on our Department to the prefix-vowels in nif'al of verbs that are primae laryngalis and tertiae infirmae at the same time! *LOL*

When I got home I managed to get some cleaning done and get a real start on my own studies for my reading course - so I felt really really good!!

Today has been more of a so-so day, but at least the major "depression" seems to have turned around now. I have mostly struggled with Hebrew text today, and I have to say I find it very difficult to do that all alone. You get locked in and it's easy to get stuck, because you can't get any other viewpoints or opinions! I try what I think and when that doesn't work, I get completely stuck. But I guess the more I do it the better I get, and then I won't get stuck quite so often ... I hope ...

No matter what I'm getting ready for my last-minute-full-study-mode now ... I take the oral exam (and will have to discuss essays as well *gulp*) next Thursday, and all I have planned apart from EXODUS is an OT-lecture and mentor meeting on Tuesday! Besides that, it's studies 24/7 - well, almost anyway ...

Take care!

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