Thursday 26 February 2009

Regular Ups and Downs!

Today has been an "up-and-down" day ... and since it hasn't all been down, I'll try not to complain ... too much ... :)

I went to Uni for an OT-lecture at 10. As usual I had planned only to sit in on the first half of the lecture, but it turned out that they're starting in on something I've always been having trouble with. The first time I took the course there was no way, I don't even think I was on one single lecture, so I never got it. The second time around, last year, I made sure I was there, and I did get most of it. But now it turned out this teacher gave it a whole new perspective, which made me understand and realize even more about it - so I decided to stay for the whole lecture! :)
(I must be INSANE, this is the third time I'm "kind of" taking this course! *LOL*)

Anyway, these lectures are perfect for me, they are the ultimate tool for repetition, and I'm starting to like the group a lot, I'm having a great time making conversations with the teacher during our breaks! He's TOTALLY into languages (and I mean totally, he knows 10 dead (!!) languages - I have no idea how many 'normal' ones he knows), and I find languages fascinating!! I've only studied Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, but I am amazed by it - and when he starts describing things in Aramaic, Coptic, Accadian or Syiran, I think it's the coolest thing! :)

We were done by 12, and I took a walk down town and checked out some book stores. I could have easily spent a fortune and more - but since I don't have any fortunes to spend at the moment, I had to settle for window shopping.

Back at Uni I tried checking out some literature and just general stuff ... and at 2.30 I had a meeting with my professor! Ironically enough, I've been feeling great ever since Monday and reflected a lot on how much better my self esteem has become - and today I was in a state of panic about meeting him! I really don't know why either - he had told me to check out some books and stuff, and of course I hoped I had done a "good job" of that, but I still don't think it was anything to warrant my anxiety!
The meeting went well, we decided to shift the focus a bit on the course, but nothing major - we settled on literature and date of exam (25 March *gulp*), and I'm gonna get back to him regarding what texts to choose.

I had about 10 minutes until the next meeting with the student counsellor, so I headed down to the library to check out the books. I knew one book, but unfortunately it's not the kind you can take home, so I'll have to go through that one there. And I couldn't find the other two!!! *sigh* It says in the computer that one does exist, it should be there, but when I check, it's not. And the other one: Nothing!! I can find the author, but no book with that title, and when I search for the title - I come up empty handed!
I really hadn't planned on going to Uni tomorrow, but run some other errands instead, but now I'm gonna have to try to combine them, because I have to talk to the librarian and try to sort this out! If he can't find them either, I'll have to let the professor know as soon as possible, since my exam is only a month away!

The meeting with the student counsellor was a bit confusing! He's the kindest guy, but I really don't to things the proper way and that just yells confusion! We sorted most of it out, at least I know what I should do about things, and I guess that's the main thing!

I've been relaxing a bit this afternoon, but I'm kind of worried about the books since I feel under pressure time-wise. I know there's nothing I can do until I talk to the people at the library tomorrow, but I still can't help but think about it ...
Guess I should head off to bed though, since I have an early morning tomorrow as well!


Lena said...

ujujuj! Du har fått mig att inse att jag också måste lägga på ett kol med mina läskurser. Och uppsatsen FY! men jag har i alla fall 10 sidor citat att komma med. räknas det som en uppsats???? Jättegrattis till VG igen, jag är så himla stolt över dig och skryter om att jag känner dig!!! Haha!

Jessica said...

*skratt* Lycka till! Känner mig megastressad själv ... framför allt med två uppsatser kvar! *gulp*

Och tack än en gång :)... men SÅ fantastiskt var det inte ... jag tyckte att jag schabblade på en hel del ...

Lena said...

tycker du jämt! Det finns en låt med Veronica Maggio som du ska sjunga.... refrängen går - Aldrig nöjd..... Duhar gjort ett fantastiskt megajobb och har rätt att vara stolt över dig själv! medan vi väntar på det är jag stolt över dig.

Jessica said...

Du har kanske en halv poäng ... ungefär! :) Det stämmer att jag har svårt för att bli nöjd, men jag hävdar oxå att jag är realist ... och det var en hel del som jag missade på tentan ... men visst har jag jobbat hårt inför den!
Och i slutändan får jag ju respektera Fredriks ... eh, förlåt, Jesper Parneviks ... beslut! :D :D

Funderar på om jag har möjlighet att se dig "in action" på söndag ... hur lyckas man hitta till kyrkan tro?!?!


Lena said...

JAAAAA! Kom till kyrkan! urenkelt att hitta. kliv bara två tvåans buss mot välahållet och kliv av vid Hållplatsen som heter St. Anna kyrka så är du framme!

Jessica said...

Ja, det låter ju inte exeptionellt komplicerat! :)

Garanterar inget, men ska ha det i bakhuvudet i alla fall! :)