Friday 19 October 2007

Giving Up Soon!

I feel I'm almost giving up now, another day with constant headache!! *sobbing*
I did feel a little better during the day, I managed to go out and do some grocery shopping at least, but it's gotten worse again tonight!! I honestly don't know what to do now, I can't deal with anything in my life when I'm in this great pain, but I still can't help wondering: how long can this go on? I can't just sit in my sofa trying to cure a headache for the rest of my life!!!!

Sorry guys, but I'm feeling rather down about this tonight! I know I should try not to freak out, since stressing about things is probably what got me this headache in the first place, but it's very hard just to let everything go day after day after day after day .... If I wake up with a headache tomorrow as well, it will be one whole week .... *groaning and moaning*

Not the greatest blog entry in the world, but the truth is: nothing happens!! Except for me trying to drink a lot, eat regularly, keep the balcony door open and try to shut out Zorro's constant holloring, trying to sleep a lot, eating tons of pills ... yup, that's the quick summary of my life at the moment ...

Please keep your fingers crossed this will be over soon!!!!!!!!!!!
My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: Barnarov, Olov Svedelid
Currently watching: Stargate SG-1 (season 1)
Currently listening to: ---
My Plans for tomorrow: In the mood I'm in now: probably suicide ... but I'm hoping it won't be quite as bad as that ...

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