Wednesday 5 March 2008

Several Little Things!

I really have had an okay day today, but several little things have not gone right, and enough little things going wrong has still made me in a bad mood tonight! I'm not really complaining, because the way I'm generally feeling now, and have been for almost the entire semester, is absolutly amazing, and I don't think I've felt this good - generally speaking - anytime ever!! But I still can't help but be a little annoyed about these things not quite working out today ...

Sorry about the vagueness, but at least one of these things happened quite fast and a bit unexpected, so I haven't been able to process it properly myself yet - which is why I don't feel like writing about it here - and I'm hoping that once I have been able to work my way through it, it won't feel quite so bad and I will be able to handle it ...

Short blog entry today, the only thing that has really happened today was that I met a friend and her 2½ months old son - he'd grown a lot in two months, and I had a lovely "conversation" with him when we met! :)
Other than that - not much ...
But hey, at least I'm sticking to my 'once-a-day-blogging' concept ... points for effort?! :)

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: Should jump ahead to the New Testament of the Bible ...
Currently watching: Stargate SG-1, season 7
Currently listening to: Where in the World (Secret Garden, London Cast), Philip Quast
My Plans for tomorrow: Hebrew lecture, Hebrew studies, lunch with Johanna, New Testament studies


The Darkest Night said...

sorry to hear about your bad mood!

and yes...points for effort, of course! hugs

Jessica said...

Had a better day today! :)

The Darkest Night said...

that's good!