Friday 16 November 2007

Definately On The Right Track!

It seems my little set-back - mood-wise - from the middle of the week, is definately gone now! I'm feeling a lot better, and I do get more done, even though there's always room for improvement!
I'm truly greatful for every hour I get, when I feel like this, and it feels good that I don't take it for granted. Naturally I feel I could make even more use of a 'good' mood, being more productive and efficient in studies and other stuff that goes on, but at least I'm working on it now, instead of being completely apathic!!

I didn't get a lot done this morning, just some minor things, and at lunch I met my mentor Rebecka! We went to this really big 'central' Uni library (not the one located on our Department, but a much bigger one!!), I have only been there once before and had no idea how it worked ... but now I know! :) I also managed to get a book for one of the courses that I'm taking, which has been more or less impossible to get, so that felt really good! After that we mostly sat and talked - and I'm not going to have Rebecka as a mentor next semester, so I'm trying to make good on every moment now! :) I'm really going to miss her, but I hope we'll be able to get together every now and again in the future as well!

When I got home I did some massive grocery shopping and I have managed to clean almost my entire apartment tonight!
Kajsa is coming over tomorrow, she hasn't been here since I moved (almost) so it's gonna be really great!! Also looking forward to a pleasant study-break! :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: Tyskungen, Camilla Läckberg
Currently watching: Predikanten (after a book by Camilla Läckberg)
Currently listening to: I'm Under Your Spell, Once More With Feeling - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
My Plans for tomorrow: finish cleaning, studying, hanging out with Kajsa

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