Sunday, 27 May 2007

Heavy Week Ahead!

Today has been spent doing minor stuff that needed to be done; apart from studies I've written a few letters, cleaned up a bit, sorted through a lot of laundry and stuff like that.
I have a heavy week coming up, and I can't say that I'm looking forward to it one little bit. There's my studies of course, I need to visit "work", working a bit on my essay from last semester, do a lot of shopping, I have errands to the bank ... etc etc etc.

One thing is for sure, I will be overjoyed once the 7th of June arrives (that's when I have my exam). There are so many things in my life that are truly awful, and have been awful for a very, very long time now, I just can't wait for this semester to actually end so I can start working on some changes in my life! There's no point in starting something now, I just have to try to survive and get as much studying done as possible in hope of passing the exam, but I can't wait for the time when I can actually do something about everything that is wrong in my life now!!

I thought back and since about the 25th of January I think I have had maybe four or five days where I've felt okay and/or good, the rest of the time has been pure Hell ... so I guess it's no wonder I am really exhausted now ....

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading: The Two Towers (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Currently watching: The Two Towers
Currently listening to: ---
My Plans for tomorrow: "work", shopping, studies ...

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