Saturday 12 January 2008

Buried In Notes!

Definately a study-focused day today! I have gotten several advices regarding this upcoming exam, and they all say "study your notes, loose the books"! Aparently this teacher only asks questions on things raised at the lectures, and I'm happy to "only" have to go through my notes!
They are quite extensive though, and I also have all of Johannas notes, so I'm certainly keeping busy, that's for sure!

I don't think I've "wasted" much time today, but I still can't help being a bit frustrated about things taking so long time! I know what I want to do, what I need to do, in terms of studies, but everything seems to take soooo long ... guess I can forget about sleep until next Thursday! *yawn*

I realize there are lots of 'other' stuff I want to do, such as work on blogs and websites, start becoming active in Forums and Message Boards, making graphics and digi-scraps ... but I'm going to have to put off everything except studies and a few hours sleep (and possibly some food every now and again) until I've taken this exam!

Did start to look through the schedules for next semester, and if things go as planned, I will certainly keep busy even after this exam is done!! Still, more on that when I know it's definate - I have a meeting on Tuesday to see what will happen!

Did relax a while tonight, so I made a Stargate graphic, while talking to Annika on YIM ... seriously hoping my Stargate SG-1 box will arrive soon!! *fingers crossed* It does look like it will be the perfect birthday present for myself (because even if it should arrive before that, I won't be able to check it out until next weekend - and my birthday is the Monday after that)! :)

Well, back to my notes on Martin Luther! Wish me luck!

My Life At The Moment!
Currently reading:
Currently watching:
Currently listening to:
My Plans for tomorrow:


The Darkest Night said...

hey..i like the graphic :)

Jessica said...

Thanks sis! :) I WANT my big-box so I can make more caps ... I need more pics to find some variation to my graphics! :D